
  • 論文2022.05.25

    Automated amplification-free digital RNA detection platform for rapid and sensitive SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis

    H. Shinoda et al., Communications Biology, Vol. 5, No. 1, 473 (2022)
  • 講演2022.05.19

    Cell complex structure of the space of Hamiltonian vector fields

    Tomoo Yokoyama, 力学系セミナーとトポロジー金曜セミナーの合同開催
  • 講演2022.05.19

    心腔と血管の 血流動態解析の最前線

    板谷慶一, 第32回日本心血管画像動態学会
  • 論文2022.05.16

    Structural insights into the HBV receptor and bile acid transporter NTCP

    J-H. Park et al., Nature, Vol. 606, No. 7916, pp 1027--1031 (2022)
  • 講演2022.05.13


    板谷慶一, 第12回SAKURAの会
  • 論文2022.05.10

    Movements of Ancient Human Endogenous Retroviruses Detected in SOX2-Expressing Cells

    K. Monde et al., Journal of Virology, Vol. 96, No. 9, e00356-22 (2022)
  • 講演2022.05.10

    Advanced sequencing technologies reveal new insights into oncogenic mechanism induced by HTLV-1

    Yorifumi Sato, The 20th International Conference on Human Retrovirology HTLV and related viruses
  • 講演2022.05.07

    Simplified detection method for the clonality of Bovine leukemia virusinfected cells and early diagnosis of Enzootic Bovine Leukosis

    Belal Hossain et al., The 20th International Conference on Human Retrovirology HTLV and related viruses
  • 講演2022.05.07

    HTLV-1 infection promotes excessive T cell activation and transformation into adult T cell leukemia / lymphoma

    Tan BJY et al., The 20th International Conference on Human Retrovirology HTLV and related viruses
  • 論文2022.05.02

    Identification and characterization of a novel enhancer in the HTLV-1 proviral genome

    M. Matsuo et al., Nature Communications, Vol.13, 2405 (2022)
  • 論文2022.04.30

    Predictive impact of soluble interleukin-2 receptor and number of extranodal sites for identification of patients at very high risk of CNS relapse in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

    T. Shichijo et al., EJHaem, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 385--393 (2022)
  • 論文2022.04.30

    Refinements of topological invariants of flows

    T. Yokoyama, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 2295--2331 (2022)
  • 論文2022.04.30

    Intermediate dispersal hypothesis of species diversity: new insights

    R. Yamaguchi, Ecological Research, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 301--315 (2022)
  • 論文2022.04.24

    Antithetic effect of interferon-α on cell-free and cell-to-cell HIV-1 infection

    R. Kumata et al., PLOS Computational Biology, Vol. 18, No. 4, e1010053 (2022)
  • 講演2022.04.23


    宮崎泰可, 第62回日本呼吸器学会学術講演会
  • 講演2022.04.22


    宮崎泰可, 第96回日本感染症学会総会・学術集会
  • 論文2022.04.22

    Gradual caliber transition of the neoaortic arch after the Norwood procedure can prevent neoaortic dilation and right ventricular deterioration

    S. Asada et al., JTCVS Open, Vol. 10, pp. 350--351 (2022)
  • 講演2022.04.21


    大槻佑生子 他, 第62回日本呼吸器学会学術講演会
  • 講演2022.04.21


    松元信弘 他, 第62回日本呼吸器学会学術講演会
  • 講演2022.04.21

    BD MAX TM MRSA XTを用いた黄色ブドウ球菌菌血症の迅速診断と抗菌薬適正使用への効果

    岩尾千紘 他, 第96回日本感染症学会学術講演会


JST-MIRAI Project Four-Dimensional Topological Data Analysis for Future Medical Care